Do you remember the first time it happened?
Don’t deny it – think back. Was it year 5 PE where little Stacey ran faster then you? Or year 4, where little Jennifer kept winning red rover all over. Maybe even year 3 …. Little Bec did way better horse drawings than you did, so you never pursued art because you thought you weren’t good enough.
Funny, how the mind works isn’t it? Have you noticed that we always compare down?
So where does “comparing down” happen for you? Gym? Instagram? Both?
STOP! You are pulling yourself down into a never ending negative spiral. A losing battle. You are going up against your brain itself and if not trained to see differently you are just pulling yourself down and LIMITING yourself.
We women are hard on ourselves. When will our body be “good enough” for us? When will we be happy?
Often we compare ourselves to those who we think have something we don’t. You don’t know what she’s been through, or what she’s going through. – 99% chance she has also felt this way at some point in her life.
Completely 100% a unique individual. There is no other replica anywhere in this entire world. Ideas, influences, thoughts, personalities — everyone is different. Why should someone else’s timeline match up to yours? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE. So why compare? It doesnt serve your journey, headspace or behaviours to BEING your best self and achieving the body you want.
Constant comparing and “lack” thinking means you will eventually talk yourself out of taking the action you need to get to where you want to be! You may stop going to the gym because YOU believe you don’t have the body. You may stop going for walks because YOU believe you aren’t seeing results. You may stop eating healthy because “insert name here” is so much further forward than you.”
Do you see where I’m coming from? To achieve your goals you need to start consistently doing behaviours and actions over time. Comparing down not only marks the sisterhood, but stops you in your tracks and stopping completely is failure.
The brain wants to keep us safe (unless trained differently). It actually wants things to stay unchanged,stuck, and in routine – its trained for survival and knows you’ll be safe where you are.
As a result, anything outside of our “comfort zone” will feel fricken scary. Its unknown and uncertain – so why wouldn’t your head tell you not to leave the secure ways of routine?!
You see – gals who get to where they want to be take action despite this. Acknowledge their feelings but don’t let it stop them. Tunnel vision on their own journey. Pure relentlessness. So i ask you, what type of thinking are you allowing, or not allowing stop you 😉
IN CONCLUSION… Overall, next time you find yourself feeling like crap because of some little headspace glitch you got going on pull yourself out of it. Focus on you and your journey and no one else’s. Not only that, you’ll be 10 x happier with this habit kicked to the curb.

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Ellie is a bonafide training and nutrition nerd who loves nothing more than helping women go from frustrated to fierce. Having worked with over 200 clients and being known as ” the go to fitness gal,” she is on a mission to help women understand that they can achieve their body goals without resorting to extremes!
When not in the gym Ellie loves to eat out, do food reviews and watch Disney Plus!